Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Interdependence work task

Hi everyone today I am going to talk to you about my interdependence work task ...

What we had to do was make a rap and draw a picture to go with it but it has to be about the holidays.
My group worked quite well together but we did make one mistake although it didn't really matter too much.
our rap was really good it had all of our things we did in the holidays it was the best i  my opinion but we didn't win a different group won but we gave it all we got and that wasn't good enough that is OK though.

Here are some photos of my group ...
Thank you, bye. 


  1. Wow Camryn!what an amazing blog post!I liked how you told us about our interdependence project and I love how you added the photo's.Keep it up!!!!

  2. Awesome work Camryn!

  3. Wow Camryn! what an amazing blog post I loved how your told us about the interdpendence. and your look like an really good group and you shold work well together

  4. That was very fun
